Dog Teeth Brushing Instructions  

Step 1: Position yourself and your dog comfortably for cleaning. It may help to position smaller dogs on a table for better visibility.  

Step 2: Gently lift your dog's lip and brush the top rear molar on one side in small circles, then go on to the front teeth, paying attention to the canines.  

In case your dog is impatient and wants you to finish fast, focus on the molars, which accumulate most of the buildup. Take a break for lots of praise after working around the upper teeth and the other molar.  

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Step 3: Reaching bottom teeth is harder since the rear molars sit somewhat behind the top when the mouth is closed.  

This part of your dog's mouth may require gently opening it by clasping over the muzzle and lifting the lips. Brush gently round the front teeth and then the other molar.  

Cane Corsos are unassailable, according to anyone who has met one. Cane Corsos, an Italian mastiff breed trained to hunt and battle, have incredible protective instincts. 

Kuvaszok, originally raised to guard livestock, are protective of their family and distrustful of outsiders.

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