Can dogs eat blueberries?  

Blueberries are dog-safe, unlike certain fruits. The AKC recommends moderately feeding dogs frozen and fresh blueberries.   

Treats rather than meals are recommended for dogs.  

The AKC recommends not cutting blueberries before feeding them to your dog, but be cautious of the choking risk.  

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Blueberries are safe for dogs, but precautions must be taken to avoid issues. Purina suggests visiting your vet to determine a safe dog meal size.   

The AKC recommends washing blueberries before feeding them to your dog to minimize dirt and pesticides. After giving your dog blueberries for the first time, watch its behavior.  

Blueberries are healthy for dogs. V-dog likes the fruit's low calories, fiber, and vitamin C.  

If you bring macaroni and cheese to the potluck, you'll always have a winner. 

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