7 Dog Misconceptions Everyone Has  

The majority of us associate a vigorously wagging tail with happiness. Tail wagging can also signify anxiety, enthusiasm, or hostility, according to The Healthy Pet Club.   

People incorrectly believe dogs see no color. Their color range is narrower than ours, although they see certain colors. Their vision is specialized for movement and low light, and they see predominantly yellow and blue.  

The misconception that a dog with a dry, warm nose is unwell is widespread. However, environmental changes, hydration, and exercise levels can affect a dog's nose moisture and temperature.  

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Assuming aging dogs can't learn new tricks is unfair to them. Both young and old dogs can learn new commands and habits. Though senior dogs demand more patience, cognitive engagement can benefit their health.  

Although many dog breeds are known for their swimming prowess, not all dogs can swim. Short-legged and heavy-chested dogs struggle to paddle and swim.  

Some people think dogs only eat grass when they're unwell, yet they do it for nutritional and digestive reasons. Some dogs eat grass for fun.   

Breakfast oatmeal is the satiety champion. Fiber-rich, it digests slowly, keeping you satisfied all day.   

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