A few fruits are a tasty treat for your dog, and some are healthy. But moderation is crucial because most fruits are heavy in sugar, says Shawna Garner, DVM, U.S. lead veterinarian at FirstVet, an on-demand video consulting platform.
If you're wondering "What human foods can dogs eat?" try vegetables. Jamie Richardson, BVetMed, medical chief of staff at Small Door Veterinary in New York City, thinks most veggies are ideal pet treats.
When asked "What human foods can dogs eat?" beef is another good option. Your dog may like most meat, but make sure it's prepared and lean.
Fish: If not raw, dogs can eat fish. Different fish are healthier for your dog. Salmon, ocean whitefish, and herring have lower mercury levels than swordfish because they live short lives.
Your dog can benefit from eating dairy treats, which provide protein, calcium, and other elements for a balanced diet. Before feeding your dog dairy, be careful: Lactose-intolerant dogs can't digest dairy.
Dogs can eat cheese occasionally. Cheese is heavy in fat, so limit cheese treats. Too much cheese can make your dog fat.
You should order hot lobster rolls in Connecticut. Milford, Connecticut, pioneered chilled lobster salad rolls in the 1920s