Due to their nutritious content, mangoes are considered superfoods.
Polyphenols (antioxidants) are abundant in mango peel, pulp, and seed kernel. They shield cells from free radicals, dangerous chemicals created by metabolism.
Mango antioxidants may combat free radical damage to sperm, boosting quality and fertility.
Mango contains immune-boosting elements like: Vitamins C, A, E, and B6 ,Folate and Copper
Mango potassium relaxes blood vessel walls, lowering blood pressure. It can also reduce diet sodium by boosting urine sodium loss.
Fiber, especially soluble fiber, slows small intestine sugar absorption, supporting appropriate blood sugar levels. In animal studies, mangiferin lowers fasting blood sugar.
Mango polyphenols may reduce intestinal inflammation, according to a study. Mango fiber and polyphenols may boost intestinal beneficial bacteria.
Amylase and invertase in mango help your body digest meals into smaller molecules it can absorb.